...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


Originally I was listening to Sting-Fields of Gold on the drive home, I had to stop at a little league field/park (Chollas Lake) were there are fields of yellow flowers...fields of gold. In my treatment process, I tipped the scales toward olive green, but liked it...so I left it. So....here's to you Sting...As we lie in fields of olive drab!!!


<-----back to yesterday.

Typically after seeing all the art, and longing for more ways to be creatively expressive, I get a little down. I don't know why...yes I do, I just don't like to admit it. I will rarely admit it to myself in writing or aloud. If you are creative, you may know exactly what I mean. You would think that blip and my book covers would be enough...but somedays, especially after a head full of art, I feel like busting at the seems. There is so much color and ideas floating around, the mundane brings me down.

So, I know what I must do....get off the computer and pull out something...paint, or card fodder, or material, beads...something and PLAY...first I better go give my hubby a kiss and apologize for being all up in his face about procrastinating...yes...he is procrastinating but I think I am projecting, because I am too, by not getting my creative energy out. So...my bad....but I admit it. It is like what my mom always says "the pot calling the kettle black". I didn't used to 'get it'...but I know exactly what it means as an adult!

So it is off to the garage...my mom-in-laws b-day is almost here...I will make her a card and start from there....after the KISS and apology.


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