I'm half my Dad's age

By halfmydadsage

I think one of my favourite (ok that's not true) ... one of the most consistent things that happened when my parents use to visit was to tell me how Toronto use to look. I remember when...
My Dad doesn't do that game so much anymore. I think he misses my Mom who could remember the places with him. Toronto is too big for him. He found it too hot and too crowded this summer. He couldn't wait to leave.
I love Toronto. I love the size, energy and am constantly amazed by it. I went down to Cherry Street today to a new Chinese Grocery Store. Right beside it was the Cirque de Soliel big top... cool.
But of course...on the other side was a great view of... you guessed it!

I took a picture of the CN tower again. I can't seem to get enough of it this week.

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