Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Venturing Out...


Lyra was born at home and up until this point she had never ever left the house.

On this day, my lovely midwife finally gave me the go ahead to make a brief trip into the office where everyone was dying to meet Lyra. Having never left the house before, we suddenly realised we didn't have any warm clothes in anything approaching the right size (before she was born we had wrongly assumed she'd start in 0-3 month clothing but she actually started two sizes down from that).

Daddy was dispatched to Next and came back with this gorgeous snowsuit. Despite it being the very tiniest size he could find, she was still a long way from filling it.

She went on to wear this snow suit many, many times gradually filling it out. I still have it now and it's one of those items of clothing that feels very special somehow as it has so many memories attached of the peculiarly cold and snowy winter in which Lyra was born.

I don't think I'll ever be able to let it go.

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