Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Walking Home

Many people walking along the path tonight. Makes you wonder where they are all going and what their day has been like.

I was going nowhere , just watching and my day was interesting.

Appointment with Osteopath was nothing like I had ever experienced before. Stripped down to my underwear I was asked to lie, stand, bend, relax, tense up, push and pull. He moved me in ways I had never been physically moved before.
He reassured me I haven't slipped another disc (which I didn't think I had, but it was nice to hear). I have no reflex in my left foot and ankle, (which I knew) my muscles are too tight and my back curves too much, all due to my previous slipped disc.
He said so many other things that I can't remember, hoping it will come back to me.
For now , I have to take Ibuprofen and alternate between hot and cold packs for 10mins morning and night. Another appt next week.

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