With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


The first official blipmeet with orisit. Seeing as I pass her house on the way to the square, it's not hard. I'd seen a possible idea to get a shot of people 'interacting' in museums for a competition, but the little museum was closed. So we wandered happily about town with cameras in hand and shot away.

Think this biker spotted me, and I probably wouldn't have dared take this if orisit hadn't been there too. In fact I was also taking shots of her. He didn't care though, so no problem.

I'm dead beat now, and the old war wound is twinging. Still no results from the scan. I'm getting agitated and irritated now. The drugs are working brilliantly but...

Anyway, a lovely sunny blipmeet in Soller, more members welcome. You know who we are!

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