beauty of the nature

By Hadi

walking in the clouds!

this evening we went to mountains! it was the first time i was going to these mountains, and we were just going higher and higher as we were driving to the mountains and i could even see clouds touching some mountains!

everyone was there for the special plants and vegetables which that area has! so i took my stuff and went alone for the photography!

i was seeing those clouds on some mountains but i should hike some mountains to get to them so i went hoping they also get closer as i was getting!

i was going and the fog was advancing but it was still far and i was photographing the landscape and macros as i was going but suddenly my camera ran out of battery! it was the second time i was running out of battery in a beautiful area in this month! it never happens when i'm photographing crows! i was really pissed off! there was a small river so i went and drank a little water and sat beside it to get some energy! i heard strange sounds and when i listened better i recognized the voice was my dad's! he was calling me to get back, we were going back home!

when i was getting closer to the car i saw something that i could n't believe! the clouds that i was chasing all that time were taking all the area around the road! and i just felt like "shit, am n't i the unluckiest!"

i don't know why but somehow i thought to turn the camera on [hopeless]! but unbelievably i saw it turned on! so i took the camera and could take a few photos of the view before the battery dies! it was like a gift for me in that moment! later i saw fantastic and dreamy scenes on the way back which i could n't photograph and this is not the best photo of those fogging fantastic scenes but at least i didn't get back with empty hands!

and as tonight Lyra's mom said in my yesterday i regularly post my blips early and she was right tonight i'm late and the reason is my fogging headache! while hiking i was sweating (i'm somehow a sweater, i'm always sweating in any weather and it makes me don't need to wear jacket except if it's so freezing) and when i reached to top of the mountain wind was blowing strongly and it easily gave a ache to my wet head! but i feel a bit better after taking a baclofen!

will catch up a few comments and then heading to bed!

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