Four short, Long weeks
Four weeks ago Nunk died not long after I blipped him getting ready for an operation.
However difficult it is, life goes on.
Nant is getting by - in fact she is doing better than that, I am constantly astounded by her resilience.
We sat there that first night, the three of us, two of us stunned in the knowledge that for one of us, time was almost up. As we, Nant and I, chatted through the night, we came to the realisation that when we knew we had to tell everyone else, we had accepted the inevitable however awful it seemed.
Sad though it was, as first my sister arrived, and then my cousin, we laughed and cried in turn over another 48 hours before the end came. It was peaceful and in the end a release.
And now - look at us, we are smiling and getting on with life once more and because of our memories Nunk will be with us always.
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