Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Work in progress

Roy decided to tile the tops of the garden walls, to save the continual painting. We needed 28cm x 14cm tiles but these were very expensive, so he bought 14cm x 28 cm and is cutting them to size, The only problem is there are 360 tiles! So, I measure and mark them and run a piece of sellotape across the tile to prevent the ceramic from chipping, he then gets the wizzer (technical term) and does the cutting. We've done 150 only another 210 to go!! and red brick dust all over the place.

The President came the other day and pointed to his watch (2.10pm) and shouted at Roy to stop work as he was making a noise after 2.00pm. Fortunately for Jurgen it was lunch time so Roy actually stopped cutting, but he resumed at 3.30pm. You are not supposed to use machinery between 2 and 4 pm.

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