By AlAinL

Orry the Oryx

Qatar's national animal is the Arabian oryx, which is known to have been hunted until it was almost extinct in the 1960s. It has since been bred back, but is protected, as there are fewer than a thousand in Qatar.

Orry is the name of the mascot for the 15th Asian Games, held in Doha in 2006. Here he is, proudly bearing his torch in memory of the glory of days gone by.

He has had a makeover since the games (although he could do with yet another vest), and is resplendent in the national colours of white (for peace) and ahnab, or maroon, symbolising the bloodshed of past battles. Nowadays, new sporting events are heralded in the space behind him.

Kids love him, and climb up the stairs on his massive trainers, and sit up there, surveying the scene.

Today it was quite overcast, but still pretty hot, even at dusk. You can see a dhow in the background, with its twinkling lights, waiting to take passengers on a mini-cruise, and behind that, on top of one of the tall buildings to the left, you can just make out a ring of piink lights.

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