Dreamy Andrea's Journal

By dreamyandrea

My Super Great Brother

So I know it's a terrible pic, but there were these bulldogs that really wanted to eat me to my back and I couldn't stand there very long.

I am sooooooo proud of him for not only making the tennis team but, for sticking with it and really having a great time at his matches. Whatever he chooses to apply himself at he will be great at. I am sooo proud! (Did I already say that?)

I am also proud of my sister. She is beautiful and funny and smart. I wonder if she remembers the times that I stood up for her just like I am standing up for my niece. Mom even called me "the policeman" because I tried to modify her parenting techniques as well. I said "no, mom don't beat her" when she made mom "crazy mad." I stood up for her alot and even took beatings for her misdeeds. I was always sweet even though she would pull my cat's tail and hit me with toys. I told Dad when he was moving out that I wanted to stay with Michelle because she needed me even though that meant living with mom. I loved playing house and interpreting for her despite the fact that she got the lion's share of our mother's affection and attention.

I love both my brother and my sister very much. I will ALWAYS stand up for them even though they feel "judged" by me. It's because I know they are capable of being AMAZING people. I know this because they are made of the same stuff that I am and let's face it I'm pretty darn perfect.

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