Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Copper Hog

I wasn't going to blip today -- I can quit anytime I want to. Isn't that what all addicts say?

C was volunteering at an all-day conference for sustainable businesses. I was sitting in front of my computer around 4:30, thinking about taking a shower. After my morning pickleball session, and a vigorous house-vacuuming session in the afternoon, it was much-needed. C called to tell me about a conversation she'd had with a representative from the New Belgium Brewing Company at the conference. She said that New Belgium was sponsoring a special event at the Copper Hog and thought (knew) I might want to go. I didn't need persuading. I love Belgian, or Belgian-style beer and am very familiar with NB's products.

It turned out that the special event was a promotion to encourage bicycling for everyday transportation, and I don't even own a bike. Steve, the NB rep at the Hog, explained how much money I'd save by cycling to the YMCA instead of driving. He's a good salesman, but I'm not buying. I told him that cycling is dangerous in the USA , and I've had enough risk-taking and excitement to last me the the rest of my life, after paragliding for 15 years. So we switched to talking about beer instead. I was delighted to find that NB had a sour beer on tap. The only kind of beer I like more than Belgian beer is Belgian sour beer. It was great.

The Copper Hog is a great place. Their beer selection isn't as extensive as the Green Frog's, but they serve food. Their menu is quite eclectic, and includes some typical Brit pub grub. See the beer list for tonight here.

P.S. It's not really copper, but you knew that, didn't you?

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