TSS Earnslaw

Today was a big day ... The mission was to present 3, 3 hour sessions on online marketing and social media.

First session, didn't go so well - the Internet was down, which is a challenge when you are running an online course, but we coped.

Second and third courses went well, we changed venues to Queenstown Resort College, which was awesome, and had a great bunch of people. They learnt things, and so did I. Absolutely brilliant hearing various businesses experiences.

Then at 9pm, we wandered out for dinner, found a great little Japanese restaurant. Several wines, lovely food, then I wandered to the waterfront to check the rising lake levels. Lots of rain recently and Lake Wakitipu is scheduled to spill over/floor. All the retailers were moving stock and sandbagging. It was high, but certainly the shops were playing it safe. What a drag for them.

Then back to the hotel to bed!

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