and then i saw...

By CheeCheeANam

Pinch punch 1st of the month

Ah damn, another month missed
each month my son and I always try and catch each other on pinch punch.
Again he has won and beaten me too it.
Pinch punch has had me on occasion gone to elaborate lengths to win.
Eg: ambushing him in his sleep *Cato style 12:00 midnight<extreme but a win none the less, or the other extreme waking up extra early and hiding (once again) *Cato style in the hall till he wakes up to get ready for school.
I know I know I'm a nut but those times were needed for a win-Give me a break I had been on a huge losing streak.
Unfortunately I'm on a huge losing streak again and I fear I must make plans for June win. It's just that I'm getting too tired for late night or early morning plans...Hmmm I best be getting my thinking cap on. Pinch punch always a funny time in our home ; D

*Cato is a character from Pink Panther,
See this blurb from wiki who Cato is:
It is a running joke that he is instructed to unexpectedly attack Clouseau, to keep Clouseau's combat skills and vigilance sharp. If they are interrupted during such an attack (as by a telephone call), Cato ceases to project the image of assailant and becomes a well-disciplined valet

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