
By patewu

May Day Sunset

I began the day -- May Day -- thinking I would find a good flower shot to blip. And I did. But then I realized the cattle ranchers who lease the land during grazing season had brought the herd to the property before I even got up! So I was intent on taking cattle shots. And I did. And the barn swallows also returned to Spring Valley Ranch today, so I took some shots of them, too. But then, the day was typical spring in the great Northwest; stormy with torrential rain and/or hail one minute, and sun the next. The clouds were amazing, so I shot a lot of moody skies, too. I even got one really nice shot of cattle in the distance on the meadow and swallows diving across beautifully stormy clouds of grays and whites. But then I went into town for groceries, and I just had to shoot the sunset. This little tree lives on the edge of a wheat field behind Cheney, Wash. It reminded my husband and me of Tara in "Gone With the Wind."

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