Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Submarine Paddington

Well, the rugby was great last night. Loftus rocked and the Bulls won, so all went according to plan... that is, if you ignore the fact that somebody stole my bag with cash, bank cards and my driver's licence! I've learnt to take things like that in my stride, as being miserable is not gonna change anything. So I made a few phone calls, cancelled all my cards and enjoyed the game with my fab friends who braved rather nasty weather to make the evening happen.

This morning we were up early and took the boys to the rugbyfield for a good wild run around 6:30am. We then took them to my folks' house where Paddington had his usual swim, while Baloo looked on. Paddinton likes to submerge his entire head when "swimming", with only his tale remaining dry. Baloo looked on with a face that said: "I might be your shadow in everything you do, but there's NO WAY I'm doing THAT!!"

Watching them enjoy themselves, it barred all negative feelings I had about last night. It made me refocus on all the love and happiness I have in my life that I sometimes take for granted. I'll apply for a new driver's licence on Monday... no big deal:)

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