if not for this

By chopkinsknits

Images from yesterday

I bought these three cards in the little shop at the house of Emery Walker yesterday. In one the typeface he invented for Dove Press, another jugs made specially for him by Wedgewood and the third a black and white photograph of his conservatory with one of the famous Voisey, rush bottomed, ladder backed chairs in a corner,

I tried various shots before I used this one for my blip today. In some I included the piece of Adam Aaronson glass that I gave my husband John for his birthday but they didn't work. I will photograph the galss again another day. I think perhaps I need to wait until we have decided where it will go in the house and then photograph it in its proper place

The rest of today is for getting our big family birthday meal ready so will have a quick look at my subscriptions and subscribers shots now but will have to save comments for tomorrow.

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