Alephnaught Blip

By alephnaughtpix

Dynamite 70s!

Spotted in the bargin bin outside a charity shop. Think of UK chart hit compilation and most people think of "Now That's What Call Music" compils from the 80's onwards, but there was a 70's equivalent already established, courtesy of the Ronco and K-tel labels. They didn't have the thematic unity of the "Now..." series, usually basing their titles, artwork and little else on whatever was trending at the time, but they followed the same formula of stuffing in as many pop hits du jour per side as vinyl and sneaky editing tricks would allow. This means you could get such wonders as K-tel's "Roller Disco", which had nothing to do with roller skates, only scant relation to disco, and somehow managed to include Barry Manilow, roots reggae, and PIL's "Death Disco" in a single slab of vinyl.

This particular compil lies right on the hazy border of the beginning of my pop music memory, so I know most of the names here- except the mysterious "Drupi". Anyone know who that is?

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