mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


Sorry for the rubbish blip and lack of comments this weekend :( Just been spending time with the family but I'll be back at it tomorrow (hopefully!!).

We got this from BBB via Gran and Grumpa. Might have a wee munch tonight!

We were at Sainsburys (again) this morning to get a few bits, stayed for an all day brunch. Yum! Aidan threw a hissy fit a slapped his spoon with food on it out of my hand. I was not too happy. He has a real temper for a wee baby. He's had a bit of a temper since he was born. In some ways it's better now and in others it's worse! I wonder who he gets it from....hmmm...

Anyway, after that Gran and Grumpa popped over for a cuppa. Aidan was sleeping though so they missed out having a wee cuddle. He didn't have his full 3 hours, woke up with a dirty nappy. Typical!

To entertain Aidan a bit we put him in the door bouncer, this will probably be Mr Mono's blip today. He stayed in for about half an hour, he was really enjoying it. Then tonight the temper (well, tiredness really) set in. We were getting him ready for bed and mr mono coughed. You would have thought we were killing Aidan. I've never heard screaming/crying like it!

He is sleeping peacefully now and hopefully he can have his proper naps tomorrow and be a bit happier :)

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