This day

By snapper

The proverbial headless chicken!

Sometimes I feel like this lady hen but not this weekend. Had a nice chilled weekend, went to church had a diffirent priest and boy could he preach. We all which way his ploitiacl alegience went! Made a change from the usual boring one

Spent the afternoon plootering about Auchindrain folk museum down the road. They had a bunch of ladies waulking the tweed. That is when you have a length of Harris Tweed and you knock Hell out of it round a table all the while singing Gaelic songs, wonderful stuff

Took a load of pictures. Took #2 daughter home from work and as she is off school tomorrow then off to a sleepover. Never had such things in my day! You stayed at home in your own bed and that was that! You just don't know (or even want to know) what goes on at these so called sleepovers which is an oxymoron if ever there was a word because the buggers do anything but sleep!

Went for a wee evening car run and a wee after dinner snifter at the Galley of Porn in Ardfern. did you know that the shampoo most used in ardfern is called Go & wash!

good night all blippsters

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