
By togrrrl


When bending down to capture the shape of the wet grass an insect flew to the underside and hid. But not from me. Its antenna's are amazing!

Today was full of music.

First movement: Birding with Mr. Togrrl at Leslie Street Spit. The sounds of the birds surrounded us. The trees were covered in flitting shapes, but you could only see them if you slowed down, stood still and adapted to their rhythm. The reward was a feeling of perfect peace.

The most intriguing sights? A tailless Palm Warbler who obviously has flown thousands of miles without tail feathers. A Merlin flitting through the wood trying to catch birds like the Palm Warbler. The returning bounty: Blue-grey Gnatcatchers, a meadowlark, warbling many beauties.

Second movement: Pulling into our alley and hearing a Nashville Warbler singing his two part song in our neighbour's apple tree. Again, we slowed down and drank in the symphony above us. Chickadees, a house finch, sparrows, a queen bumblebee and a surprising Red Admiral butterfly sipping nectar from the blossoms.

Intermezzo: Dosmestic interlude. Cooking a bacon and egg breakfast for my family. Cleaning. reading. Relaxing.

Third Movement: In the evening we went out for dinner with my parents, my sister and my niece, then my parents and I attended a marvellous baroque concert given by a tiny orchestra my friend plays in. The only "real" music.

Today had a few discordant notes, but was mostly satisfying, slow, and harmonious.

Thank you everyone for your appreciation of yesterday's hover fly. It's gratifying to share appreciation for the beauty of nature.

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