cardbird chronicles

By cardbird

i-FIRSTPAD - by the makers of Applejuice inc....

Remember these toys?

Look kinda familiar?

Fisher Price really was way ahead of it's time...

Maedhbh is 8 months old, the toy she is playing with is almost 30 years old!

Her mum has kept it for all these years.

Perhaps we should bring back toy treasures like this for our children. As wondrous and as fascinating as technology amazes me on a daily basis, it also frightens me the speed at which it evolves and what the heck is next? (hopefully teleporting she said to herself in a kind of lamentful but selfish way)...

Speaking of heck! What the heck will our children expect? if this toy were around today it would have an internet connection and immediate access to Bebo, Facebook and iTunes of course (there would be no 'row, row, row your boat installed I can tell you?) Am I right?

So, little Maedhbh, treasure the simple things in life, when you learn to write, practice often, it's a dying art amongst us. When you learn to speak, speak eloquently and precisely, it's another dying art amongst the young, innit? and for god's sake, read and read and read some more.

(I have a funny feeling your Mum and Dad will be pioneering those skills... with the exception of Facebook of course!)

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