Small world
After a dull chilly morning, our guests headed off back to Berwick to get the train home. Lovely weekend, though I think my liver is sighing with relief (and I'm sure their's are too).
The sun came bursting out while Mr B was driving them down there, so in a fit of optimism, we grabbed buckets and spades and ran out into the bright sunny weather heading for the beach.... And then ran back in and added cardigans, jumpers and gloves to the bag when we realised how freezing it was. Of course, just as we got past the point of no return (closer to the beach than home) it started raining. So we pressed on regardless, and the kids buried then dug up dinosaurs ("After 20 million years in the sand it is still alive") while I sheltered under a towel and read a book.
When the sun came out I crawled about a bit and found some creatures to take pictures of (the ant was too fast, but this spider was obligingly still until - when going for an ultra close-up - I bumped him with my lens).
Happily, Mr B arrived to save us from the freezing weather with the warm car, and promises of left over curry for dinner.
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