My Angle

By myangle

Cleveland Line

1/250th sec, f9, 100ISO, 18-55mm lens @ 18mm, Canon 350D

I am feeling a bit uninspired at the moment. Maybe I need a change of suburb.

This is the Cleveland Line Train arriving at Lota Station. This is the point in the line where the inbound and outbound trains cross over within minutes of each other making it a great place to stand if you stuff up the first shot. I am amazed at how trains can sneak up on you. Both inbound and outbound caught me by surprise standing at my car listening to the radio. I would have thought that such a large vehicle would make more noise.

No surprise that people get run down by them fairly regularly.

The weather is glorious today. Not a good day to go to work. At least I have a weeks leave next week.

I am waiting for a call...

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