
By dorrit

Mother's Day

I know it's not, but these mom and dad Geese were taking such good care of their babies it made me think of Mother's Day! I felt bad for the one couple who only have one little one but they seemed just as proud and cautious as the couple with lots of babies! The dad kept glaring at me as I took their pictures and sort of "gathered " his family a little tighter together. Lots of people around here don't care much for the geese because they are Canadian Geese who never go back to Canada anymore. So people complain about slipping on goose leavings in the parks and on the golf courses!

Could be troublesome, I suppose, but when I hear them honking as they fly, unseen, through the clouds at night, or when I see them with their babies , taking such good care of them - I can't help but like them! Oh....and I don't golf!

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