No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Mmmm, breakfast!

You absolutely cannot beat a bit of stewed rhubarb on top of a bowl of cornflakes with ice-cold milk. My husband thinks this is a bit weird, but when I was growing up there was always a bowl of stewed rhubarb in the fridge while it was in season, especially to have with our breakfast! Husband eats a bowl (of rhubarb, not cereals!) with rich tea biscuits instead, I am the one who thinks THAT'S weird!

I also used to eat the raw stalks as a child, rather like a sherbet dib-dab, dunking the end of the stalk in a wee bowl of sugar before taking a bite. I'm quite sure that would keep any child regular... ;-)

I miss having rhubarb in the garden, we planted some in the garden of our old house, but have yet to sort this out in our new one. The stalks that made this stew came courtesy of one of husband's workmates. Most unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for me) I can't get the kids to try it at all... Maybe one day!!

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