purple pebbles

By HennyPenny23

2 day old baby chicks

2 day old chicks. This was their first outing out of their house. Mum (Darcy) is trying to show them how to feed. They don't really need to feed just yet as they still have food in their tummies from eating the contents of the egg.

Usually, in the evening chickens put themselves to bed once it becomes dusk. tonight however I had been out and when I returned Mum was still sitting outside of the house with all of the chicks under her. It is going to be cold tonight so they really need to go into the house.

This became a bit of an exercise as it was now dark. So, my son held the torch, my husband and I had to take the large back door off the house and turn the house around. Then I had to carefully pick Darcy up as the chicks were under her. Two got left behind and it was my sons job to make sure they did not escape. I then carefully put Mum into the house and quickly placed the two escapees in after her. We then had to reassemble the house the correct way around for morning. I imagine that the chicks had had a problem going back into the house - there is a little step up - so we will have to sort that out tomorrow.

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