Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Drinking horns

With just a day to go until Beltane, today was supposed to be a nice quiet stress free day. Instead, I still had my top to make, drinking horn bases to assemble, my bags to sort out and pack and various errands to run. Thankfully the lovely Kitface ran the errands for me to save some time.

In the evening we headed out to a beautiful old garden cemetry to collect Ivy to decorate the bower, whilst there we also decorated the frames for our drinking horns which we would be using at the end of the night. In past years they have been wrapped with white fabric but I liked our more earthy (less time consuming) approach.

In other news:
After three weeks of not eating, I finally got Milo to feed. With the temperatures bumped up he was snatching the mouse from the tongs before I'd barely got it in front of him! I had wanted to use this photo of him resetting his jaw but decided the cup was more appropriate for the time of year.

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