Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Reclaiming my house, one room at a time.

Now that I'm finally recovering from Beltane I figured it was time to get my house back to it's normal nice tidy, ordered state. Unfortunately due to how busy I've been the last month, this is a giant task. Today I got the living room clean (though I feel I've just moved piles off stuff to other rooms) and most of the kitchen sorted. By the end of the week I'll either have a tidy house with homes for everything or I won't be able to get in to the study. I've also moved Milo through to the livingroom in an attempt to get him used to a more noisy environment and make him less scared when he's first taken out of the vivarium. I may have unintentionally teased him today. I took him to the kitchen whilst I soaked some moss for his hide. I popped him on the work surface and suddenly his head was up and he was tasting the air, I forgot his dinner was defrosting a foot away!

At lunch time we noticed some guys outside painting road markings so I thought I'd get a shot, other choices for today would have been the giant wasp that somehow found its way in to our study. We really need to find out where they're coming from and block it.

In other news, I'm coming down with a throat infection.

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