Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

On the move

A rare blip of Kerr not smiling. This is his 'what trouble can I get into next' face, which is appearing more and more these days.

Yesterday Kerr napped for three and a half hours, which is unusual even for him. Today I am realising why. He was preparing his body for today's antics - it is only 10am and he has already pulled a basket of clean laundry over himself, opened two separate chest of drawers in his bedroom, and had a very close look at the plug sockets. His crawling isn't yet of the traditional fashion - more of a very speedy snake which occasionally lifts itself up in the middle and dives forward in order to gain more momentum.

Next stop Argos to purchase a playpen. On the way back from the hairdressers of course - I think little miggins needs another wee trim ;-)

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