This day

By snapper

A rare day

Buzz buzz buzz a very busy day got much done and felt good. Much form filling still to be done by Friday!

I had course to phone the Scottish Arts Council based in our salubrious city of Edinburger, normally when I phoned I got to speak to a real person. Now, sadly I get to speak to a clipped upper crust robovoice "Hellooo thank you for calling the SAC, this call may be monitored for training puropses" then I have to listen to the most God's awful music on the planet! Don't these people realise they are called the SCOTTISH arts council? I don't want to listen to foreign stuff! Finally Iget a voice "good moaning! can I help?" I state my reason for calling then the real voice says" this is the reception, I will pass you onto the help desk" By this time I have spoken to a robot, a receptionist that wouldnt know the meaning of reception if her life depended on it! and finally the bloody help desk! "can I help you?" Again I tell him what I was enquiring after (money basically!) " well that sounds fine, yes I will send you a form" Fine all that took 10mins where once upon a fairy tale it took only 5! and they call this progress!

A beautiful day and I am stuck indoors! What I realy want to do is rush outside to play with my new toy, my lovely lens adaptor so I get to use all my lovely old Canon lenses, sadly I have to wait till dull evening to get out to play!

Tomorrow as if you didnt know it is election day. That is when we Scots and the rest of us go to vote for the next worse than useless politician who is there to sincerely line his or her own pocket! I have seen very few posters on house windows, I was waiting for my parents tree hugging neighbours to put up their green coloured poster, but no! very odd

Was watching Monty Halls doing his bit living on the edge on the Hebridean island of North Uist. Stunning photgraphy, if that doesnt want to make you go there nothing will. Interesting that in the three weeks so far, he hasnt spoken to a single real born and bred Hebridean. wait I am wrong, he does speak to one! Lots of white settlers but real Hebs are conspicious by their absence! why
am I not surprised, small wonder this irks us islanders!

God I must stop ranting!

Good night all bliperoos

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