
By chessicle

Polling Day

So, I went out this evening. Most unusual. Had to vote though. A chance for a wander with the camera, I thought.

First thought - blip the polling station and the chippie, as they are right next to each other. Across the road. Absolutely no way to get the signs to identify both into the same frame. Bummer.

View over the river to the city, as we're on the hill? Hill not high enough, and light failing.

Shot of the intention line through the trees? Dreamy, romantic, woodland shot, maybe? Because of the light, can't persuade the camera to a fast enough shutter speed to eliminate the shake.

So, close up of some plant? Nice, dark background. Shame about the lit branch at the bottom. Interesting, though, even if not fantastic.

Be nice to have the time, and the motivation, to do this every evening - never going to happen though!

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