Polling Card

Great walk with Juno, felt brilliant. it was a very grey morning, there was grey lines on the horizon at each level of greyness.

Caught up with a parent from school on the way to work and had a banter. We were discussing politics and the though of parents running schools, we both agreed that this would be a disaster from our experience of parents running school football teams. It does not bear thinking about.

Work was good.

Had a great lunchtime run, just getting back into it. When rancid and I used to go running we used to call road runners a name (a term overused by Harvey Keitel in Bad Lieutenant), well I have felt one of these as I have limited myself to the road running. So freed myself of the shackles and ran up Arthur Seat to the summit over a few other wee bumps, felt on top of the world and managed not to stop at all.

Tutoring tonight, went really well. Went to vote and met some old buddies. One voting and the other clerking.

Had a blipcard to Mr Polling Clerk and had a chat about the Pale Fountains, nice to catch up.

The other buddie was struggling with some plumbing so headed round to help out and sort the problem(well hoepfully). His daughter is doing higher maths so had a chat and pointed her at some good revision notes on the web.

Off for a chat with a neighbour now.

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