
It is. I just saw Slaughter take Hammersmith.

As some of the UK blippers are waking up to the live coverage, I am taking one last peek at the doings and heading to bed.

Hope everyone's man wins, whoever that is.

It seems that agents of BP oil company are going around and having small fisherman and fisheries sign waivers, saying they won't sue the petroleum giant for lost revenue, in return for being paid to assist in the oil spill clean-up. What a bunch of smarmy, lame and shameful kakapoopoo that is.

So many big shifts happening all over the world, I better have another cup of hot tea so I don't toss and turn thinking about them.

And while I have my tea I will delete both my Facebook accounts. The people who want to talk to me and who I want to talk to, know how to reach me.

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