Northern Exposure

By Northern

The Local Rag!

Thursday is paper day in Orkney. Oh, the excitement... everyone rushes out to buy one. Doesn't do to not be up to date with current affairs.

We have two local papers, until recently they were in competition but they have now merged to form the Orkney Media Group. Should be interesting to see how things develop.

As local papers go they are both pretty good. All sorts of news, scandal and gossip (nothing too controversial now, that wouldn't do...!). Sales pages advertising anything from an 'almost new Evinrude' to 'Shetland pony, free to good home'. What's on pages, that are essential reading when planning your weekend. Sports, letters to the Postbag, who got hitched to who and of course the lost cat column (there's a lot of them).

Of course I know you are all eager to keep up to date with the state of affairs around here, so luckily you can do so online.

I did think I would set out today to do an assignment blip which wasn't old stones. It rained and I have a deadline to meet so it it never happened. So instead you've got a QTPOA.

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