Skinny Piggy

By SkinnyPiggy

Wedding Bouquet

The alarm was set for 6.30am HK time. WE got up and...

* Packed everything we needed for the photoshoot.
* Left the flat at 7am.
* Went for a McDonalds breakfast by the train station.
* Took the train/ MTR to Kwai Fong and then a bus to Ma Wan.
* Got to the studio about 9am.

J went to get ready first, dressed and makeup etc. I waited a wee while in the lounge with 3 other guys. I got called to put on my shirt and shoes and then I got a bit of makeup applied on me! I went back to the waiting area and played the disc that was already in the DVD player, a film called Angel Eyes. I pretty much finished watching the film before J came out all nice and beautiful... as always :@)

Shortly after our photographer came out to meet us. It was nearly midday before the shoot began. We started with the indoor shots, I had to give lots of cheesy grins while J seemed to look at everything else but the camera lens! Our photographers were really funny, made us laugh and we were very comfortable around them.

The shoot basically lasted until a bit after 8pm ,we just travelled back to Tai Po to eat some sushi! This expensive bouquet looked very healthy when the photoshoot started, its seen better days now considering the heat its been through with no water all day long.

It was a really fun day, we're back there tommorow to choose our photos! Woohoo!

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