One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Happy birthday Mum!

Kids really bring back some excitement into birthdays.
There was some real anxiety and anticipation this morning, from the moment they were up, making cards, blowing balloons, making decorations, getting the breakfast tray ready (the tray used for birthdays, Mother's day, and extra guilty conscience mornings), asking over and over and over and over again when we could bring the breakfast up to Mum.
It happened to be her weekly lie in.
Not much of a lie in today, by 9.00am they were so agitated that we brought her breakfast in bed.
A good time was had by all.

Now. I'd better remember to change the sheets and duvet covers, or I'll be sleeping in croissant crumbs and sticky marmalade spots.

Happy birthday Chica! Well done kids, you have been superb.

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