Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


ok, i'm a bit wound up at the moment. Bloody laptop keeps telling me that i have anything from a good connection to an excellent one. only problem is that it won't display any web pages and even has the audacity to tell me that blipfoto is an invalid web address. machines.....i know they are supposed to help us in our modern lives and the internet is obviously a wonderful tool, we all wouldn't be able to do this without it but is it worth it for the stress it can cause when they stop working? how can an inanimate piece of plastic wind me up to the point of wanting to take it outside and give it a kicking? actually jimeoin made a point about the irrational behaviour towards inanimate objects such as "getting out of bed and stubbing your toe on the leg/corner of it and wanting to go fighting with it." obviously he was very amusing when he made his point.
not got too much time just now as i am sitting at my desk and i may need to post another blip here before i head home for the weekend. Not a very exciting one for today but it was made by my own two hands and it tasted great(even if i do say so myself).

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