
By keriedoll

The Hand Towel

So today's blip is about this hand towel in my bathroom. My bathroom is the old master bath in my house and I share it with my niece Molly (the four year old). The bathroom has two sinks in it so I don't really mind sharing with her. Plus she is actually a pretty OCD kid. She keeps the bathroom amazing clean.

Anyway, about the towel. I hate this towel. It is some shitty designer towel my sister bought to put in our bathroom to class it up. The towel sucks!!! It does not absorb any water. You might as well use the counter to dry your hands and face. It would work better than this towel. All this towel does is spread the water around.

Well my niece has a really nice, absorbing green towel on her side of the sink and she asked me this morning when I was bitching about my stupid towel if I wanted to trade towels with her because she liked mine better. I was like hell yeah I will trade towels with you. So the trade happened.

About an hour later it was time for her to brush her teeth and hair so my sister took her in the bathroom to do this. When my sister noticed that Molly was about to use the pretty designer hand towel to wipe a toothpasted mouth on she flipped and said no Molly couldn't use it. This started a major fight that lasted a good half hour! Long story short I got in trouble for giving her the shitty nonabsorbent towel :)

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