Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

A load of old balls!

200th blip, not very original, but hey ho, what the heck!

We braved the market today because we needed fruit, I now understand why I hate markets, people plodding along and when you try to pass them they decide to change direction and walk in front of you. Why do people insist on taking dogs on those stupid leads, the ones you cannot see until you have tripped over them (the lead, not the dog) to the market.

Eventually got back home, I've spent the afternoon sorting out the wardrobe in the spare room so that when mum arrives next week she has somewhere to hang her clothes. Unlike when I go to her house my clothes stay in the suitcase as there is no room in her 4 wardrobes for any of my clothes.

Off out with Sue and Ron tonight (musn't drink too much).

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