Skating a self portrait...
I'm finding the extention of tricks and tools by moving from a compact to an SLR camera very useful. One extremely useful feature is the ability to use a remote to fire the shutter. My previous attempets at this sort of thing involved settting my camera to take 10 shots after a 10 second delay. During these 10 seconds I would then have to career to the other side of the skatepark and back towards the camera in the hope that one of the shots would work. Now I just set up the camera and head back towards the camera and fire it when I want it to take the shot.
Well this isn't terribly well framed but it does show what I consider the essence of the Frontside 5-0 grind held in the balance, speed and power. For the uninitiated, it is Frontside because the front of my body is facing the outside of the arc I took. The 5-0 is because I have only one truck (axle) on the coping (metal edge of the ramp) making it half of the trick of the 50-50 where both trucks grind across the coping. The 50-50, I think, got it's name from the fact that half your wieght is inside the ramp and half outside.
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