Aperture Science

By stevie

Who wants to be a cog in a machine...?

Depends on the machine... (to quote a Royal Navy TV advert)

But when you get right down to the nuts & bolts (pardon the pun) are we not all just little wheels in the great social machine? We may all be spread around different countries (different continents even!) but we do, in our own small way, ensure the gears of society are well oiled and move freely.

A person may have wants, dreams goals and ambitions but people (in the social sense) only really want tomorrow to be pretty much like today. Stability is what people crave, Mortgage payments that don't rise every month, inflation that doesn't debase the currency, economic growth and peace in our time (or the more likely - that all the little wars and civil struggles stay in there respective countries and don't affect us all that much really)

We have become numb to atrocities paraded on the 6 'o'clock news, murders, rapes, the perpetual threat or terrorist dooms-days and all the really bad things that people do to other people.

This may all sound very dark and depressing but you only need to look at the world around you, in the photographs that we take, the beautiful landscapes, the smiling faces and the amazing detail in the smallest of things...

So who wants to be a cog in a machine.....?

Well....Depends on the machine


No photoshop today was going to go black and white but there was no tonal range. Blip is of the gear mechanism of a sluicegate. Doesn't look like it moves much.


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