The Philosopher's Wife

By philosophywife

This is What's Wrong with America

I headed to the store late tonight (stores are open super late in the US - this is a good thing) to buy three blocks of cream cheese (was that an American invention? I'm not sure... but still. AWESOME).

And yet - there is this problem we have around here.

There's WAY TOO MUCH OF EVERYTHING. No wonder we're all ginormous. Why oh why do I have to choose among 48 different brands of orange juice? (This is not even the entire aisle, I couldn't fit it all into the picture). It makes no sense, it's overwhelming, and it leads to anxiety disorders (well probably it does).

I wonder if people who immigrate here come to the grocery store for the first time, look around, have a mild heart attack and leave without buying anything.

And yet... if the store doesn't have the EXACT TYPE of frozen burrito I usually buy, I get really annoyed and end up not buying any at all just to SHOW THEM. I will not buy just any frozen burrito! I am an American, I demand the kind I personally like best! Cater to me, you fools!

None of the grocery stores here carry my burritos. So sad.

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