This year in Pixels.2010

By Debee

Happy mothers day

To all of the mothers out there. Happy day to you.
On This day I don't take the opportunity to celebrate ME. But the Journey of motherhood. And all the amazing moments past, present, and to come. Out of all the things I have done and accomplished, Giving birth, nurturing, and learning to let go is far the greatest lesson of all. I have changed as much as my little darling has through out the years. Tears joy, challenges and surprises...I would not give one of these moments up for anything in the world. I have wore many hats...but I am a MOM. And that is the greatest of all! So to all you loving moms that are reminiscing today. Enjoy the day! Stand up moms and take a bow. Your fan clubs are waiting to celebrate with you. And to mine......Ryn, I love you more then all the stars in the sky!! Never forget that. BIG HUGS

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