False advertising

Don't you just despise it when a company or individual promises a certain result, performance or outcome and then doesn't deliver? Me too.

Those slick marketers' and ad campaign designers' clever ploys are wasted on me...I am oblivious to subliminal messages and much too big of a skeptic to fall for those cheap theatrics.

Take the shamwow guy for instance. It looks good, the guy is pretty convincing. Mr. F did notice that when the camera cuts away at the cola spill and comes back, the large puddle underneath the carpet sample is mysteriously missing.

Then lo and behold, the shamwow guy turns into the slap chop guy. This guy will sell anything, apparently. But just never to me. It does make me think that if one can invent an object that seems useful and works reasonably well, borrow some money to produce a prototype, sell the idea to an investor to fund the production and advertising, one could be finding yourself slap chopping all the way to the bank, thanks to the fact that there is a sucker* born every minute.

*I'll confess...we did buy a box of shamwows...but NOT from a TV ad.

And what does any of this have to do with Mother's Day or mothers? Absolutely nothing...except...that my mom is as far from a slick TV sales personality with an agenda as one can get. Happy belated Mother's Day to all you mothers.

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