These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Mother's Day

Wow. I'm wiped out! We had a wonderful Mother's Day, but in true fashion, were pretty busy and now, at the end of the day, I am ready for bed!

The day started out with gifts from my family. Tyler got me a badminton set and Mia got me a bag of cotton candy. Austen (baby to be) got me a brand new set of tupperware, with Josh's help and Josh got me some much wanted flowers and vegetables for my garden!

After gifts, we headed to church. After church, we headed home and Kelly and I cooked a brunch using our dutch ovens. I know, we aren't supposed to cook on Mother's Day but it was fun! Got to pick out a new recipe, and use the dutch oven, which I don't hardly do. It was an experience in itself. While the food was cooking, I got in a fun game of badminton with Tyler!

After the brunch, we headed out to a play on campus! It was just for mom's, so Kelly, Jenni (a friend of ours) and I headed out for some afternoon entertainment. It was lovely, although the three of us easily could have taken a nap during the play!

After the play, I got home in time to enjoy some mellow family time. We tried out a new toy that my cousin brought by, ran through the sprinklers a bit, played some more Badminton and grilled salmon for dinner. It was a wonderful day!!

Now, I'm headed to bed... Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! hope your day was grand!

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