A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


This is the other thing I'm doing. Hope it doesn't all go wrong by turning into multi-slacking...

Good, busy day filled with many domestic and family related tasks. Lots accomplished and yet still not done. But you know, what would done look like? It would mean we weren't moving, or eating, or changing our clothes or leaving the house. So I'm not going to go down the road of moaning about that.

Instead I shall moan about OPK*. What happened to kids in your house just eating what they were given and displaying extraordinary politeness that would make them unrecognisable in their own homes? Am I way too naive? Instead it was replaced with demands and complaints! Found myself dancing the fine line between you're not getting away with that in my house and not wanting to become the scary mom who's house no-one will go to and thus socially ostracising my daughter. Most gobsmacking was how polite and thanking me for the "delicious food" one of them became when their mom showed up! Aaagghhh!!!

Hmm, dinner requires some focused attention so this must stop. Probably not bad timing!

Lesley x

* Other People's Kids

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