This day

By snapper

Spider Vac

For the past few days #2 daughter has been eagerly awaiting the imminent arrival of the present her father said he had got her. Being as she just passed her driving theory test, she was busy guessing her "pressie" would be driving related. While dad would only hint it indeed had a sort of mobile connection she was still in the dark. Today just as she was about to go to work, it arrived! There was much excitment opening the box. Can you imagine her face when she saw what he had actually bought her? well the camera was there to tell.

As she is always shouting and demanding we extract a spider from the this place or that, he bought her a Spider Vac. A wee gun like gadget that sooks up the offending spider into a plastic tube, you then put the lid on it, carry the dreaded spider in said tube outside and release it (personally I prefer the Oban Times approach!)
She was not amused shall we say when she saw what it was and was last seen heading for work swearing revenge!!!

As you can see, Sam the dog likes it as he can sook the spider out the tube and snaffle it.

What a gross lot we are!

Enjoy blipping spiders and all

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