Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Mother's Day

I woke up this morning to this tray of food being carried by my sons to me in bed. Loren made scrambled eggs, Liam cut up fruit and added what he deemed the appropriate dips of chocolate & peanut butter and Landon came in carrying the glass of milk. It was so heartwarming to have my three wonderful boys working together with the help of no adults to surprise me with this meal. Actually, my son's scrambled eggs taste better than the ones I make! Also, being the practical person I am, I was very excited to get a new Swivel Sweeper (I used that thing EVERY day...and R.I.P. my old Swivel Sweeper...for this hard-working favorite has died on me). I also got a non-practical item...a beautiful blouse in my favorite color, blue. A coffee giftcard is on it's way as well :D
They were also crafting away quietly in their room this morning BEFORE cooking to make me handmade cards from each of them. I am truly blessed.

My mom saved the day and substituted for me today in my I stayed in bed late. In the afternoon we made an attempt at decorating ideas for my son's room & measured every bit of space we had left (he decided he wanted his own room and switched rooms). In the end we walked in circles around Joann Fabrics and Lowe's home improvement and accomplished nothing. So frustrated was I in accomplishing nothing on a day when I actually have my husband for a full day, that I picked up a chainsaw at Lowes and held it in the air like a cavewoman (no worries, I had no intention of using it, I just felt better after that visual took place). I have made it a difficult task because I don't want to cover a mural in the room that it is very important to me, so I'm trying to find a way to temporarily hang something from the ceiling or side walls to cover it. Loren claims the old mural to be too babyish, so we're trying to create him a room more fit for his 11 years of age and for the years to come. I am being my normal, stubborn self, in refusing to part with this keepsake mural! We realized just curtains covering the entire wall may be just too plain boring...and we can't hang things on that wall because that will destroy the mural. Back to square the meantime, it appears that their rooms have thrown up until we get more clothing & toy storage. Clothing & toys are everywhere! We would have solved that problem today with a trip to Ikea had my migraines/sinus issues had not continued to plague me for the day as well as the entire past week! I'm learning I just need to be content with the chaos, and when we have the time and money all will come together just fine.

We ended the day with my favorite food....Mexican! Yay!

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