
By vacationland

Secret Forest

Sorry, it was raining when I took this so I didn't want to wander far. But it IS one of my favorite things.

The "forest" in the back of our house. It's so incredibly stuffed full of green goodness during the spring and summer and I love, love, love it. When we first moved in I was convinced there was something awful living there and was kinda afraid of it. It turns out that the fox that live around here like to go in at night and they "scream". It's the most awful sound you've ever heard, very other wordly, but I found out it's their territorial scream. It's completely unnerving if you've never heard it. Now we're pretty much used to it. If it goes on too long, out you go with a flashlight to make enough noise to make it stop. It will wake you out of a dead sleep.

I included the birch tree for some contrast.

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