
By Jillybean

My Inferno

The art of procrastinating has clearly not been mastered by me. Its 11:30 at night and I just took a terrible blip which will be backed by some 'literal stimulation' I promise. I just finished my first poster The Inferno...Next up is Purgatory and Paradiso. Which should be easier to accomplish and faster.

But this is my Inferno project. The aim was to create your own version of Dante's Inferno. Nine levels with a sin and punishment attached to each. You had to select a guide to bring you through hell, someone you could trust but who belongs in hell. So here is my project in detail?

Guided by:The Weasley Twins from Harry Potter.

Level 1: People Addicted to their Phones
Whether it be crackberry addicts or textaholics these people are never without their phones. Included in this level are people who are always talking on their phone. Their punishment will be to always have their phone within reach but never be able to answer it. It will constantly be ringing but they will be unable to answer or communicate with anyone.
Examples: Paris Hilton, Obama, Half the people in my school...

Level 2:Nosy People
"Waitttttt what happened?"...I'm sorry but were you included in this conversation? No. Mind your own business please. That's all I ask. Punishment for people who can't keep their nose out of others business is they will have their ears and noses chopped off by Trolls.
Examples: Moaning Myrtle, the Paparazzi, Perez Hilton, Collin Creevy

Level 3: Story Toppers
A person who constantly feels obligated to follow a story you tell, with a worse one, making them sound like they've been through a much more terrible ordeal. We all know them. You say you just got back from Egypt? They went to the moon...and back...twice. These story toppers are excessively annoying,self absorbed, and terrible to converse with. Their punishment will be having their vocal chords ripped out and mouths sewn shut. They will be forced to listen to others speak about their mundane lives.

Level 4:Slackers
Slackers are people who are perfectly capable of doing work but choose to not do it anyway. These people consistently don't try, do things halfheartedly, sleep through class, gamble during class, go to orchestra lesssons consistently, and fail to do projects on time. Their punishment will be to run on an endless track while being yelled at by (Our Dean) to run faster.
Examples: LiceyBaby, Bill and Ted, Spencer Pratt

Level 5- Bad Parents
I hate to say that if you haven't taken your child to Disney Land at least once you're a bad parent?but its pushing it. Bad Parents are also parents that favor one child over another, make their kids sit at the table until all their food is eaten, clean up the dogs poop, sit through educational television programs. Bad Parents will be whipped, spanked, and forced to eat cold cauliflower for eternity.
Examples: The Dursleys, The Parents from Home Alone

Level 6- Liars
A person who commonly lies. Or tells folk tales, yanks your chain, fabricates stories, spreads rumors, is dishonest, is fictitious, invents falsehoods, deceives you, is not factual. Liars will never be allowed to speak another lie or overexaggerate. Their imagination will be stripped from them. Despite the fact that they can only speak the whole truth no one will ever trust what they say.
Examples: Nixon, Bill Clinton, Gilderoy Lockhart

Level 7- Bad Friends-
Bad Friends are not only your typical backstabbers, nasty, and fake people. Included in this level are friends who abandon you for their new boyfriend/girlfriend, overdramatic friends, petty people, and jealous friends. People who forget about you once they go to an Ivy League school are also included. Bad Friends will be subject to sitting alone at the lunch table every day watching as everyone else eats/laughs/enjoys themselves.
Examples: Regina George, Adrian (Secret Life), Paris (Gilmore Girls)

Level 8:- The Self Destructive
These are people who are purposely throwing their life away. Included in this are alcoholics, suicidal people, or people who actually committed suicide, cutters, people who smoke, reckless drivers, drunk drivers, drug addicts, and prescription pill abusers. For punishment they will have to volunteer at hospitals with people who don?t have much time to live but want to live. They will learn the value of life this way and will be constantly be forced to remember everything they wasted on Earth.
Examples: Chris Farley, Lindsay Lohen, Hedda Gabler

Level 9: Those Who Cause Harm To Others
Rapists, Murderers, Child/Animal Abusers will all share this level of hell. Their crime is self explanatory. In order to pay for the harm they have caused to other people they will be forced to go through the pain they inflicted on others repeatedly for eternity.
Examples: Jeffrey Dahmer, Hitler, Ted Bundy

Admittedly I am guilty of a few of these sins...cough slacking cough. But the point of the next part of this project (Purgatorio) is to own up to these sins and repent for them. =] So don't be scared I'm not putting you in hell just yet. There is still time to repent...And this is only my version...

So I apologize for the book report...and the lame photo...And if you've stuck with me this long I'm sorry...that wasnt necessary. Goodnight all!!! (Tomorrow will be better and shorter!)

Oh... AP Bio...was a disaster...Just terrible...Let's not mention that anymore.

"Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it."
-M. Scott Peck

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